Published and Preprints:
A. Krayev, E. Isotta, L. Hoang, J.A. Yang, K. Neilson, M. Wang, N. Haughn, E. Pop, A. Mannix, O. Balogun, C.-F. Wang, "Excitation laser energy dependence of the gap-mode TERS spectra of WS2 and MoS2 on silver," ACS Photonics, in press, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c02257 (2025).
R.K.A. Bennett, L. Hoang, C. Cremers, A.J. Mannix, E. Pop. "Mobility and Threshold Voltage Extraction in Transistors with Gate-Voltage-Dependent Contact Resistance," npj 2D Materials and Applications, 9, 13 (2025).
J.-S. Ko, S. Lee, R.K.A. Bennett, K. Schauble, M. Jaikissoon, K. Neilson, A.T. Hoang, A.J. Mannix, K. Kim, K.C. Saraswat, E. Pop, "Sub-Nanometer Equivalent Oxide Thickness and Threshold Voltage Control Enabled by Silicon Seed Layer on Monolayer MoS2 Transistors," Nano Letters 25, 2587–2593 (2025).
F.M. Alcorn, C. Perez, E.J. Smoll, L. Hoang, F.U. Nitta, A.J. Mannix, A.A. Talin, C.Y. Nakamura, D.W. Chandler, S. Kumar, "Resolving the Electron Plume within a Scanning Electron Microscope," ACS Nano 18, 33479-33490 (2024).
Z. Zhang, M. Hocking, Z. Peng, H. Pendharkar, E.D.S. Courtney, J. Hu, M.A. Kastner, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, T.F. Heinz, A.J. Mannix, “Phase-Selective Synthesis of Rhombohedral WS2 Multilayers by Confined-Space Hybrid Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Nano Letters 24, 12775-12782 (2024).
L. Hoang, M. Jaikissoon, Ç. Köroğlu, Z. Zhang, R.K.A. Bennett, J.-H. Song, J.A. Yang, J.-S. Ko, M.L. Brongersma, K.C. Saraswat, E. Pop, and A.J. Mannix, “Understanding the Impact of Contact-Induced Strain on the Electrical Performance of Monolayer WS2 Transistors,” Nano Letters 24, 12768-12774 (2024).
R.V. Kamat, A.L. Sharpe, M. Pendharkar, J. Hu, S.J. Tran, G. Zaborski Jr, M. Hocking, J. Finney, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M.A. Kastner, A.J. Mannix, T.F. Heinz, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, "Deterministic fabrication of graphene hexagonal boron nitride moiré superlattices," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2410993121 (2024).
M. Hocking, C.E. Henzinger, S. Tran, M. Pendharkar, N.J. Bittner, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, A.J. Mannix, “Thermal relaxation of strain and twist in ferroelectric hexagonal boron nitride moiré interfaces,” Journal of Applied Physics 136, 024303 (2024).
Z. Zhang, L. Hoang, M. Hocking, J. Hu, G. Zaborski, P. Reddy, J. Dollard, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, T.F. Heinz, E. Pop, A.J. Mannix, “Chemically Tailored Growth of 2D Semiconductors via Hybrid Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition," ACS Nano 18, 25414-25424 (2024).
J.A. Yang, R.K.A. Bennett, L. Hoang, Z. Zhang, K.J. Thompson, A.J. Mannix, & E. Pop, "Biaxial Tensile Strain Enhances Electron Mobility of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides," ACS Nano 18, 18151-18159 (2024).
M. Pendharkar, S.J. Tran, G. Zaborski, J. Finney, A.L. Sharpe, R.V. Kamat, S.S. Kalantre, M. Hocking, N.J. Bittner, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. Pittenger, C.J. Newcomb, M.A. Kastner, A.J. Mannix, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, “Torsional Force Microscopy of Van der Waals Moirés and Atomic Lattices,” Proc. of the National Academy of Science 121, e2314083121 (2024).
A. Schwarz, H. Alon-Yehezkel, A. Levi, R. Kumar Yadav, L. Hoang, C.S. Bailey, T. Brumme, A.J. Mannix, H. Cohen, E. Yalon, T. Heine, E. Pop, O. Cheshnovsky, and D. Naveh, “Thiol-Based Defect Healing of WSe2 and WS2," npj 2D Materials 7, 59 (2023).
S.-H. Sung, Y.-M. Goh, H. Yoo, R. Engelke, H. Xie, K. Zhang, Z. Li, A. Ye, P.B. Deotare, E.B. Tadmor, A.J. Mannix, J. Park, L. Zhao, P. Kim, R. Hovden, “Torsional Periodic Lattice Distortions and Diffraction of Twisted 2D Materials,” Nature Communications, 13, 7826, (2022). preprint arXiv:2203.06510 (2022).
A.J. Mannix*, A. Ye*, S.-H. Sung, A. Ray, F. Mujid, C. Park, M.-J. Lee, J.-H. Kang, R. Shreiner, A.A. High, D.A. Muller, R. Hovden, J. Park, "Robotic Four-Dimensional Pixel Assembly of Van der Waals Solids," Nature Nanotechnology 17, 361-366 (2022).
P.K. Poddar, Yu Zhong, A.J. Mannix, F. Mujid, J. Yu, C. Liang, J.-H. Kang, M. Lee, S. Xie, and J. Park. “Resist-Free Lithography for Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides,” Nano Letters 22, 726-732 (2022).
Y. Zhong, B. Cheng, C. Park, A. Ray, S. Brown, F. Mujid, J.-U. Lee, H. Zhou, J. Suh, K.-H. Lee, A.J. Mannix, K. Kang, S.J. Sibener, D.A. Muller, J. Park, “Wafer-scale synthesis of monolayer two-dimensional porphyrin polymers for hybrid superlattices,” Science 366, 1379-1384 (2019).
Z. Zhang, A.J. Mannix, X. Liu, Z. Hu, N. P. Guisinger, M. C. Hersam, and B. I. Yakobson, “Near-equilibrium growth from borophene edges on silver,” Science Advances 5, eaax0246 (2019).
A.J. Mannix, T. Saari, B. Kiraly, B.L. Fisher, C.-H. Hsu, Z.-Q. Huang, F.-C. Chuang, J. Nieminen, H. Lin, A. Bansil, M.C. Hersam, N.P. Guisinger, “Edge States in the Honeycomb Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Silicon Nanosheets,” Applied Physics Letters 115, 023102 (2019).
B. Kiraly, X. Liu, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, A.J. Mannix, B.L. Fisher, B.I. Yakobson, M.C. Hersam, N.P. Guisinger, “Borophene synthesis on Au(111),” ACS Nano 13, 3816-3822 (2019).
N.P. Guisinger, A.J. Mannix, R.B. Rankin, B. Kiraly, J.A. Phillips, S.B. Darling, B.L. Fisher, M.C. Hersam, E.V. Iski, “Amino Acid Immobilization of Copper Surface Diffusion on Cu (111),” Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 1970043 (2019). [Journal Cover]
B. Kiraly, A.J. Mannix, R. M. Jacobberger, B. L. Fisher, M. S. Arnold, M. C. Hersam, N. P. Guisinger, “Driving Chemical Interactions at Graphene-Germanium van der Waals Interfaces via Thermal Annealing,” Applied Physics Letters 113, 213103 (2018).
A.J. Mannix,* Z. Zhang,* N.P. Guisinger, B.I. Yakobson, M.C. Hersam, “Borophene as a prototype for 2D materials development,” Nature Nanotechnology 13, 444-450 (2018).
G.P. Campbell, B. Kiraly, R.M. Jacobberger, A.J. Mannix, M.S. Arnold, M.C. Hersam, N.P. Guisinger, M.J. Bedzyk, “Epitaxial graphene-encapsulated surface reconstruction of Ge(110),” Physical Review Materials 2, 044004 (2018).
G.P. Campbell,* A.J. Mannix,* J.D. Emery , T.-L. Lee , N.P. Guisinger , M.C. Hersam, M.J. Bedzyk, “Resolving the chemically discrete structure of synthetic borophene polymorphs,” Nano Letters 18, 2816-2821 (2018).
A.J. Mannix, B. Kiraly, M.C. Hersam, N.P. Guisinger, “Synthesis and Chemistry of Elemental 2D Materials,” Nature Reviews Chemistry 1, 0014 (2017). [Journal Cover]
X. Liu, Z. Wei, I. Balla, A.J. Mannix, N.P. Guisinger, E. Luijten, and M.C. Hersam, “Electronically abrupt borophene/organic lateral heterostructures,” Science Advances 3, e1602356 (2017).
Z. Zhang, A.J. Mannix, Z. Hu, B. Kiraly, N.P. Guisinger, M.C. Hersam, & B.I. Yakobson, Substrate-Induced Nanoscale Undulations of Borophene on Silver. Nano Letters 16, 6622–6627 (2016).
B. Kiraly, A.J. Mannix, B.L. Fisher, M.C. Hersam, & N.P. Guisinger, “Sub-5 nm, Globally Aligned Graphene Nanoribbons on Ge(001),” Applied Physics Letters 108, 213101–5 (2016).
A.J. Mannix, X.-F. Zhou, B. Kiraly, J. D. Wood, D. Alducin, B. D. Myers, X. Liu, B. L. Fisher, U. Santiago, J. R. Guest, M. J. Yacaman, A. Ponce, A.R. Oganov, M.C. Hersam, & N. P. Guisinger, “Synthesis of borophenes: Anisotropic, two-dimensional boron polymorphs,” Science 350, 1513–1516 (2015).
B. Kiraly, R. M. Jacobberger, A.J. Mannix, G. P. Campbell, M. J. Bedzyk, M. S. Arnold, M. C. Hersam, N. P. Guisinger. “Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Graphene–Germanium Interfaces Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Nano Letters 15, 7414–7420 (2015).
B. Kiraly, A.J. Mannix, M. C. Hersam, & N. P. Guisinger, “Graphene–Silicon Heterostructures at the Two-Dimensional Limit,” Chemistry of Materials 27, 6085–6090 (2015).
R. M. Jacobberger, B. Kiraly, M. Fortin-Deschenes, P. L. Levesque, K. M. McElhinny, G. J. Brady, R. R. Delgado, S. S. Roy, A.J. Mannix, M. G. Lagally, P. G. Evans, P. Desjardins, R. Martel, M. C. Hersam, N. P. Guisinger, and M. S. Arnold, “Direct oriented growth of armchair graphene nanoribbons on germanium,” Nature Communications, 6, 8006 (2015).
A.J. Mannix, B. Kiraly, B.L. Fisher, M.C. Hersam, N.P. Guisinger, “Silicon Growth at the Two-Dimensional Limit on Ag(111),” ACS Nano 8, 7538–7547 (2014).
B. Kiraly, E.V. Iski, A.J. Mannix, B.L. Fisher, M.C. Hersam, N.P. Guisinger, “Solid Source Growth and Atomic-Scale Characterization of Graphene on Ag(111),” Nature Communications 4, 2804 (2013).